Friday, February 15, 2013



This is just a brief note regarding the current politics surrounding firearms. I don't want this blog to become a political soapbox by any means, but I do feel it's necessary to address the topic. 

For those who are not a part of the gun culture, there really is no way to understand how deeply the passion goes on my side of the debate. For so much of my life, guns have been a means to recreate, a means to put food on the table and a means to defense. They have, however,  become much more than that for me and for my family. For the past two years, I worked in one facet of the the firearms industry, and now I'm working towards another. Guns have become much more than a hobby, they are my vocation. Guns put food on the table now in a different way (though they still manage to help in that area in the traditional sense as well). For politicians who are ignorant of guns and ignorant of the gun culture to try to restrict our gun rights as a nation is absolutely unacceptable. I agree that the loss of innocent life is one of the most tragic things that can ever occur, but criminalizing the actions of law abiding citizens is the wrong answer. I often hear the question "Why could you possibly need [insert any gun here]?" I don't really feel a need to answer that question. I feel that people who want to know should instead ask "Why would people need...?" And then do some research as to why things are the way they are. Do some history homework. Look at the situation that forged the Constitution. Read the Federalist Papers. Find out what the framers where thinking when they put the Second Amendment in place. Show me how gun control prevents crime. Explain to my wife and child why I shouldn't be able to put food on the table. 

This isn't meant to convert a gun grabber to a pro-gun person. Once someone has made up their mind, it isn't likely changed, however if I can shed some light on my side of the argument, maybe someone who is indifferent to guns will no longer accept the spoon-feeding from the liberal media and look into the issue for themselves. It is those people who I aim to convince. That being said, when I write to my politicians (and I do quite regularly) I know my thoughts aren't  likely to change their minds, but it is my responsibility to let them know how I feel. I would encourage you to participate as well, regardless of your position on the topic. Don't take the backseat approach to government. Be active. Let those who represent you know you're there and paying attention. Additionally, put your money where your mouth is. If you're pro-gun, join some of the organizations that work for your rights. Join the NRA (I don't always agree with their point of view or their politics, but over all, they do a lot for gun owners) or the Second Amendment Foundation (very active in litigation concerning the Second Amendment). If you're pro-gun control, I'm sure there is an organization out there who would love to have your support, however I don't know much about those groups. 

Hopefully, this hasn't been too abrasive. If it was, that certainly wasn't my intent. I'd like this to be the only time I bring up the political aspect of guns, and I hope if any of you are anti-gun, that this wasn't enough for you to stop reading.

Some quick links for you:
NRA Membership
Second Amendment Foundation
Gun Owners of America
NRA Institute for Legislative Action

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